Monday, August 11, 2008

This morning's swim workout

Here is the swim workout we did this morning (with a bit added in) for those of you who might be interested! The water was a chilly 74 degrees today... is fall on the way?

Warm up:
200 swim
100 kick
200 pull
100 kick
300 swim

5 x 100 -- maintain steady 80% effort throughout
on 1:45/2:00/2:30/3:00/3:30 (choose your interval so you have about 5-10 seconds rest between)

3 x 200 -- descend (last one is fastest- race pace) 10 sec rest between

1 x 500 pull, breathe every 3,5,7 strokes per 50

4 x 50 -- 25 sprint, 25 easy 10 seconds rest between

200 ez loosen

Total: 2900 meters

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