Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Thursday's deal.......

Lets plan on being at the pool tomorrow morning for a 6am swim session. I have had responses from a few people who are keen so lets make a go of it. If you cannot make the morning session i will throw the swim workout up here and also leave it on the board so you can use it in the evening. You are more than welcome to hit the bike room at 7pm if you like. Let me know if you want a trainer workout for that session.
Also, regarding the Columbia course/race we received this info from Ryan McGrath:

Columbia: The weekend before Columbia can be a total cluster for training purposes. Just about every local tri club/competitor heads down there for a course preview and a run. Mid-Maryland Tri Club, DC Tri Club, etc. Best idea is to get there EARLY. This helps avoid some of the car and people traffic.

I will be going down on Saturday May 10th to do the following: 2 trips of the bike course, first one pretty easy on my road bike, second one faster on my TT bike, then two loops around the lake running. I'm planning on starting at 7am, average speed for the first go around will be in the 18mph range, second will be 21+. You're welcome to join if you feel it would benefit you, or even if you just wanted to start with someone. There will be a few people in my posse.

~ Ryan McGrath

Monday, April 28, 2008

Rainy Monday morning.....

I guess that is what kept most of you away this morning??
Good to see Joshi and Becky though - made it worthwhile being there for me!

Here is the workout from this AM if you want to get it in later:
200 pull ez
600 swim ez - breathe 3-5-7 per 50m

10 x 100 as 25 kick(no board)/75 build pace - 10 sec btw
200 pull - DPS
10 x 50 as 25 drill/25 swim Drills as follows: 1. Catch up
2. Fist
3. Drag fingers (high elbows)
4. Catch up with 3-beat kick pause
5. Catch up w/3-beat kick pause/drag fingers
400m for time

200 nice and ez

Total = 3100m **Note - this is slightly amended from this morning's actual session - this is longer. So if you plan on turning up at the pool and using the board you might want to add the additional pieces in.

Thanks to Ayesha for stepping in and rallying the troops while I was down at TdG on Thursday. It sounded like you guys got in a good workout.

I have a work function to attend this Thursday evening so I want to get an idea of who would be interested in getting the swim done in the AM. Please respond to this post and I will see what kind of a commitment we have before I make the call to have practice in the AM......

Awesome to see that Alexis has thrown out the challenge to get focused on training.
I will post a very generic sort of training program here in the next couple of days. I think it would be really good to get some sort of feed back from you guys on the races you have planned.

I know we have a few people scheduled to race Columbia on May 18. That is only 3 weeks away. As we did last year, lets try to get in a session or two out at Gunpowder. This will enable you to get familiar with swimming in the open water and practice transitions. I am thinking we can set it up for a complete swim-bike-run session. The first session will be 5/8/08 - next Thursday. I will post more info on here for you as we get closer to the day.

Please post your thoughts.......


Friday, April 25, 2008

What's Going On...

... with everyone's training?

What is everyone spending their weekdays and weekends doing, training-wise?

Feel free to include your upcoming race info for the spring/summer:)

Dean (or anyone):
Any opinions on a good training regimen for where we are right now, based on what we're doing in class?

This might be really specific to peoples' personal goals for their races, but if you wrote a week's worth of training workouts, what would the week look like? Just trying to get a very general sense of how we could be spending the rest of the week with training. It doesn't have to be super-specific.
(Obviously, Monday: 1 hour swim, and Thursday: 1 hour swim/1 hour bike... and then filling in the other days.)

Monday, April 14, 2008

Monday 4.14.08 swim sesh

I jinxed it..........I said it would be cold again in no time and this morning that rung true. Thanks to Matt, Ayesha and Becky for making the cold-roll out of bed worthwhile. I am still curious as to where the likes of Alexis and Alan were..!!??
Here is the session for those who prefer the evening for working out:
400 ez swim
400 pull ez
4 x 50 build pace - 15 sec btw

4 X 50 kick
200 steady
50 steady - breathe head up to navigate
**10 sec rest between 300s.

50 ez loosen

200 for time (hard)

100 real ez

Total = 2550M

Friday, April 11, 2008

Taste of Spring

What a beautiful day yesterday was and what better way to fuel the motivation to get out there and log some quality training mileage. It was also the first little teaser for the removal of the pool roof at the end of the month................of course, as Murphy's law goes, i am sure it will be dreary and cold again as soon as the top comes off.........

Last night was another nice solid effort in the water and on the bikes. We should really be starting to bring that endurance into things in a big way now as we approach the start of the race season. If you have specific races in mind that you want to work towards please feel free to chat with me and we can look at getting some specific goals and sessions worked into your preparation.

So far as racing and group training is concerned I will put a little side bar of races to the right here and also update the training schedule to include other local organized group training sessions. Look for this in the next few days.

In the interim, this is the local running group that operates in our neck of the woods: Their weekly schedules are listed on the right hand side. Feel free to join them for any of their weekly sessions. For more info contact Ryan McGrath:

The TT I am doing in PA next weekend can be found here: Get registered by tomorrow and avoid the $5 late fee.

For those who (wisely!) opted to make the most of the weather and train outside, here is the swim workout from last night:

400 ez swim
300 pull ez
200 as 25drill/25 swim

3 X 400 steady effort
100 pull - DPS
10 sec rest btw

50 fast
50 ez
50 fast
50 ez
10 sec rest btw

100 IM
100 ez swim

Total: 2800M

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Arrrgh techno-tard

Apologies! I thought my Monday session had posted that morning...........

On another note, we are fast approaching race season.....the main reason we have all endured cold, early mornings; dark, damp swimming pools; uncomfortable, sweaty bike sessions......I am open for any suggestions you may have for training and tweaking your performance.
The request for 1500m time trials was put out there Monday morning and we will look to do that the first week after the roof is removed from the pool........more on that as we get closer......
Also we will get some sessions in up at Gunpowder as we did last year.
Feel free to list any other thoughts you have here.
Any thoughts for team dinner/drinks events are always welcome as a nice way to wind up the Thursday night sessions also.

Here is the Monday workout:

Warm up:
200 swim
300 pull
6 x 50 as 25 drill/25 swim
200 swim

3 x 200 pull with paddles - DPS - long and strong!
10 sec rest btw

3 x 150 as: 50 DPS
50 fast
50 kick - no board
10 sec rest btw

400m steady effort: @ 1500m race pace

100 IM (butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle)
50 m real ez loosen

Total = 2600m